Thursday, August 14, 2008

BurnFat4Dummies and Kirstie Alley’s Weight Loss Story

We are often lured by diet pills and fat loss diets in our search to lose fat fast or for fast weight loss. As a result we end up endangering our health and with more weight than we started. BurnFat4Dummies is a complete program that ensures good health and lasting weight loss.

BurnFat4Dummies is a comprehensive weight loss program that quickly burns off fat and keeps it off. This is achieved by diet and exercise that alters the body's metabolic rate.

We have heard of celebrities that have lost weight, like Kirstie Alley, on various diets. Unlike BurnFat4Dummies, they generally take longer or they don't last. A good example is the experience of Kirstie.

Losing 75 pounds in in a matter of 365 days, Kirstie Alley's story stays as one of the prevalent success in the history of losing weight. Because Kirstie Alley is a well-known celebrity, her crossing from 200 pounds to 125 pounds is highly renowned.

In 2005, Kirstie Alley, the well-known personality of two Star Trek films and undying humor flicks like Blind Date and Deconstructing Harry, as well as a prominent role in TV's most well-received series, Cheers, got bigger to as much as 200 pounds. She confessed to having recession at some stage, but her emotional turmoil was narrowed through her choice to admit her predicament and her dedication to do something about the same.

Instead of wallowing in self pity, Alley starred in a reality-based cable TV series entitled Fat Actress, taking into account her own nightmare as an obese movie star looking for work in Hollywood.

Kirstie Alley became an image model for Jenny Craig's weight loss course. Every 3 weeks or so, an up-to-the-minute advertisement featuring Alley was shown on TV, describing her own development in the said course.

The results were astonishing, and the entire nation was amazed by the amount of weight she shed in a brief span of time.

The Jenny Craig weight loss course intended to shed 3 to 5 ounds every week, which is somewhat a doable objective. It has been said that Kirstie Alley is a living testament to the effectiveness of Jenny Craig's weight loss course, encouraging more people to register in the program following to Kristie Alley's appearance, scantily clad and revealing her newfound - or recently recovered -figure in an episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show.

Kirstie Alley's bond as Jenny Craig's representative has come to an end, and recently, Alley has announced her plan to release her very own weight loss program in 2009.

The world witnessed how she lost weight. The world has accepted her as living proof that people can indeed lose a significant amount of weight if they'll strive. And everyone is in no doubt expecting the subsequent weight loss-correlated news regarding Kirstie Alley.

Her experience is not unusual. While her weight loss was high, it took a year to achieve. Because exercise was not included, she experienced difficulty in maintaining the loss.

By reprogramming the body's metabolic rate, BurnFat4Dummies is able to keep the weight off without much effort. The program does not simply rely on dieting.

To learn more about this effective program, go to the following: BurnFat4Dummies - Lose Weight Fast OR BurnFat4Dummies Fast Fat Loss.

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